So you’re on a mission to run a professional and profitable photography business, where you work less, make more money, and change the lives of your dream clients through your art.

Does this sound familiar?
✔️ You are booking a lot of sessions, you have acquired a good camera and lens, and you are somewhat active on social media and/or your website. But you don’t know where to start on becoming a profitable photographer that really stands out as a professional in your niche.
✔️ You believe you haven’t become profitable because there’s no way you can charge higher prices. No one will want to pay that much… you wouldn’t even pay it! Your town isn't large enough to have people that can afford higher prices, but you don’t actually have any evidence to support you on any of this.
✔️ You think you need to have a large following on your social media platforms. People will never find you because you’re not well known, right?
✔️ You really want to attract high-end clients, and you’ve even tried donating to private school or other organization auctions. Put business cards or asked about displaying artwork at OB offices, hospitals, family type businesses, baby stores, etc. but it still hasn’t produced the clients the way you hoped it would.
✔️You keep trying to appeal to moms in Facebook groups, or fill mini session spots with as many people as possible so more people know about you. You offer discounts and free sessions, in hopes of reaching more great clients. Truthfully, it’s just been a pretty big waste of time.
✔️ You spend hours browsing your competitors on Instagram or in Facebook photography groups and deep down, it makes you feel like you aren’t good enough.
✔️ You have a website and social media platforms, but you know it could be better and do more to impress your dream clients.
✔️ You spend too much time shooting and editing and you don’t have much money to show for it. Your partner is frustrated they have to pick up so much slack at home and your kids are disappointed that you always seemed stressed out and busy. It makes you feel sad every time you think about it... you didn’t think it would be like this when you got into photography.
✔️ If we’re being real with each other, you’re starting to feel fearful. You don’t want to give up and waste your already invested time and effort, but you don’t know how to pivot to make that switch to a higher end studio. You feel like you are failing and are disappointed in yourself and are wondering if business is always going to be this draining.
Does it feel like I'm living inside your head right now? Then you, my friend, are in the right place.
And at the end of the day, all you really want is to be a full time profitable photographer — you see other portrait photographers living this every single day, and you’re frustrated that that’s not your reality yet.
Believe me when I say I get it… because I’ve been exactly where you are right now.
The thing is, I’ve been a profitable portrait photographer for over a decade and I started with a low number of social media followers and a small photography budget for my own family, and I live in a small college town that doesn't seem to have a lot of upper class clientele.
So I can tell you without a doubt...
You don’t need to charge low prices because of
where you live or your own personal budget,
and you don’t need thousands of followers to be successful.
So… what is it?
✔️ Why haven’t you attracted high-end clients that will pay 4-figure amounts for a session?
✔️ Why aren’t you a sustainable and profitable photography business?
✔️ Why aren’t you the go-to professional and expert portrait photographer in your area?
Before we get into that, I think it’s time for some good news.
You can be a profitable photography business without having a huge number of followers, being in a large city, or having a ton of people that know about you.
You can be a full time profitable photographer even if you are fairly new in business and haven't built up a large client base yet, even in the smallest of towns.

Imagine if...
Just imagine what it would actually be like:
To have your first 4-figure sale. And it really hits home when you have your 2nd.
To become well known around the community and to have people referring you like crazy. To see your name showing up in mom FB groups all the time when moms ask for photographer recommendations.
To attract high-end clients regularly.
To know how to properly track your finances and set your pricing to be profitable.
To become known as a true professional in your field and for your clients to respect you as an artist and an expert.
To scroll the ‘gram and feel rock-solid confidence in your business.
To have a good work/life balance with actual business hours and to enjoy more time with your family.
All of that CAN be your reality thanks to my online group coaching.
Which can only be found inside of…
Profitable Photography Business 101 is the missing link that will help you finally be a profitable and professional photography business. You get access to my simple yet powerful process of becoming a profitable photography business that books high-end clients day in and day out, plus all of the tools and strategies that you need to make your dream a reality.
Who am I to teach you how to become a profitable and sustainable portrait photographer?
Hey, I’m Shanna!
I used to be in the same place you are...fearful of change, frustrated with my bookings and finances, and getting nowhere trying to be profitable and sustainable in my portrait photography business.
I spent months and more money than I can count doing allllll the things… Donating to private school or other organization’s auctions. Leaving business cards or asking about displaying artwork at OB offices, hospitals, ultrasound businesses, baby stores, etc. I would book mini session events back to back and as many as possible. I would have discounts and sales regularly hoping to bring in more clients... you name it, I tried it.
Then I decided to dig into my past to make a big change… I’m a business marketing major and I managed retail stores for a Fortune 500 company for over a decade before becoming a photographer. I knew the ins and outs of running a profitable business and the psychology behind the marketing. I just needed to apply it to my photography business. In reality, running a business is pretty consistent across the board, no matter the industry.
I’ve taken everything that I learned in school and in my past career, applied it to my photography business, and made changes as I went, to perfect my method. I took it all and put it into Profitable Photography Business 101, because it’s exactly what I needed when I decided to pivot and take that next step to running a sustainable business, contributing to my household, and ensuring I had more time with my family.
My goal is to help as many portrait photographers as possible fast-forward through the junk by simply focusing on what works.
Profitable Photography Business 101 would have saved me SO MUCH time and energy. I can’t wait for it to do the same for you.

It’s my mission to help you get testimonials just like these:
I created Profitable Photography Business 101 so you can get testimonials just like these over and over (and over).
Here’s exactly what we’ll cover:
Module 1: Be Legal
In Module 1, we will cover everything you need to know about being a “legal” business. You’ll learn about being a licensed business that pays taxes and who is covered by insurance.
Working under the table and without a business license or insurance shows your potential clients that you are "cheap" and not an expert in your field. Not being licensed and paying taxes can lead to legal issues. And not being insured can be a problem if something unfortunate happens.
I’ll teach you:
✔️ Different types of business licenses and filing federally and locally
✔️ What type of insurance you need
✔️ Legitimate contract resources
✔️ Business banking and purchasing
...so you will be a legitimate and professional business that anyone would want to put their trust in. All while you are protected legally!
Module 2: Finances
In Module 2 we deep-dive into all things financial. You’ll learn everything from how to calculate your Cost of Doing Business to tracking your revenue and expenses to pricing.
You can't be profitable and sustainable if you don't understand your business finances.
I'll teach you :
✔️ Calculating Cost of Doing Business and Cost of Goods Sold with my included calculator spreadsheet
✔️Worksheets to help determine your monthly sessions booked goal and the minimum revenue you need from each of those sessions to determine pricing
✔️ Determining what products and services you want to provide for your clients and your pricing structure, including information on In-Person Sales appointments.
✔️ Bookkeeping needs to help make filing taxes easier on your accountant and so you can track your expenses and revenue monthly or even daily, including my bookkeeping spreadsheet.
...so you can become completely knowledgeable about your finances and price you services in a smart and profitable way.
Module 3: Business marketing basics
Module 4: Attracting High-End Clients Part 1–Marketing
In Module 3 we begin your marketing journey. You’ll learn Business Marketing 101 items to get the marketing ball rolling.
Before you can deep dive into attracting high end clients, you need to really make sure your basic marketing is on point.
We will take a look at and tweak:
✔️ Your website and email
✔️ Your logo and branding theme
✔️ Your social media profiles
✔️ FB and IG ads
✔️ Google business profile
✔️ Blogging, use of keywords with examples per niche, SEO
✔️ Organization, CRM importance, and ditching the “hot mess" photographer vibe
✔️ Competitor analysis
...so your potential dream clients can find you and so their first impression of you is a great one.
In Module 4, we will start part 1 of 2 for attracting high-end clients. You’ll learn how to fine tune your marketing to really fill your calendar with clients that won’t bat an eyelash at 4-figure price tags.
Knowing your target market helps you really dig into the psychology of marketing. Marketing to high-end clients is much different to the clients you book being a shoot and burn photographer. They are looking for something completely different than the old you!
I’ll cover:
✔️ Defining your target market (your dream client)
✔️ The importance of paying attention to details
✔️ Verbiage that entices high-end clients
...so you know exactly how to find those dream clients, so you know how to get them to inquire, and so they are blown away by your professionalism.
Module 5: Attracting High-End Clients Part 2–Customer Relations
Module 6: Wrapping up–Mindset and how to grow from here
In Module 5–part 2 of attracting high-end clients, I’ll cover Customer Relations in depth. You’ll learn how to better communicate with and serve high-end clients to keep them coming back for more.
How you communicate with and serve your clients is extremely important. If you want high-end paying clients, you need to provide them with a high-end experience from beginning to end.
I’ll cover:
✔️ Workflow templates to keep you organized so each client gets 100% each session.
✔️ Steps to provide a high-end experience before, during, and after your sessions.
✔️ Professionalism tips for everything from written to verbal communication to how you dress and your appearance.
...so you can stay organized and be on top of everything in your business as this is essential to appearing professional to high-end clients.
In Module 6 we wrap up the program with mindset exercises to keep you feeling positive about your new changes. We also discuss next steps to continue growing your business and break into the luxury market full time for your future.
Mindset can be a huge obstacle to overcome. It is important to stay positive and determined through this process and in the future. I’ve always said that the moment we start to feel comfortable in our business, is the moment our business begins to fail. You must keep reaching for goals, learning and growing.
We will discuss:
✔️Daily affirmations
✔️Potential roadblocks and how to handle them
✔️How to continue your growth through more education and reinvesting back into your business once you are profitable.
...so you can push those negative thought out of your mind and stay positive through this process.
Make this a 2 month coaching program
where I am with you every step of the way.
Upgrading adds support from me in these 2 ways.
Slack Community Support
Organized forum for us to chat together.
The ability to ask questions between calls
and discuss ideas with your peers.
Group Coaching Zooms
2x per month group coaching calls.
Submitted questions will be addressed live.
On the other side of Profitable Photography Business 101, you’ll experience results like:
✔️ Understanding the ins and outs of your financials as a business owner so you can be well on your way to being profitable.
✔️No more guessing on pricing–you will have a method to make sure you are pricing yourself sustainably.
✔️Being a legal and legitimate business so your dream clients take you seriously as an expert in your field.
✔️Organization with your communication that makes the admin side of your business so simple, but will completely wow those dream clients.
✔️Easy and effective marketing strategies to bring in those clients that regularly purchase 4-figure packages.

Here’s Everything You Get Access To:
✔️ 6 program modules with recorded lessons and materials--over 3.5 hours of recorded lessons
✔️ Lifetime access to all downloaded materials
✔️ Workbooks, templates, worksheets, etc
And the option to turn this into a coached program for 2 months! Strategize and get help from Shanna throughout your 2 months
✔️ Slack support Monday-Friday
✔️ 4 group coaching calls spread out through the program

Now you’ve got two choices:
X Close this page and continue on with business as usual... booking all the sessions you can for little to no profit, not enough time with your family, and clients that don’t respect you, your time, or your art.
✔️Enroll in Profitable Photography Business 101 and take the first step towards a sustainable and profitable photography business where you work with dream clients every session.
You know which option I’m voting for.
In 2 weeks, you could be a legal and insured business with a solid for profit pricing structure, which means a more professional appearance to your potential clients.
In 2 months, you could be booking your first 4-figure client which means a huge sigh of relief that you are doing the right thing!
And in a year, you could be running a sustainable and profitable business with regular dream clients filling your calendar.
But that’s ONLY IF you choose option 2 and get Profitable Photography Business 101–my simple yet powerful process to becoming a profitable photography business that books high-end clients day in and day out.
Profitable Photography
Business 101 is for you if:
✔️ You feel burned out with how many sessions you are booking without a profit to show for it.
✔️ You miss working more regular business hours and spending time with family and friends.
✔️ You aren’t quite sure how to price your sessions and feel like you need something more than just guessing and choosing pricing similar to your competitors.
✔️ You need marketing help and help with organization for your sessions
✔️ You are tired of clients not respecting you as an artist or your time and prices.
Profitable Photography
Business 101 is not for you if:
X You just got your first camera and have only completed a handful of portfolio building sessions.
X You aren’t quite ready to make photography more of a career and still see it as more of a hobby.
X You prefer to be a budget photographer even if it means you don’t make much of a profit.
If you read through that list and you’re still unsure…
“The stars will never align, and the traffic lights of life will never all be green at the same time. The universe doesn’t conspire against you, but it doesn’t go out of its way to line up the pins either. Conditions are never perfect. ‘Someday’ is a disease that will take your dreams to the grave with you. Pro and con lists are just as bad. If it’s important to you and you want to do it ‘eventually,’ just do it and correct course along the way.”
—Tim Ferriss, author of The 4-Hour Work Week

Still can't decide?
I get it. It is a big decision! I'm happy to chat it out with you! DM me over on Instagram or shoot me an email.