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Photographer Education: 5 Simple Tips to Help You Get the Most Out of Your Photography Blog

*Note: The ideas presented here are from a post by and are used with permission. You can check out the original post here.


Hello, my photographer friends! I have been loving doing photography coaching and mentoring with you and thought it would be fun to share some occasional tips on the blog, in addition to all the information you can access through my course: Profitable Photography Business 101.

Today, I’d love to share a few quick tips on how to get the most out of your photography blog. If you’re not blogging already…you should be! A blog is one of the best ways to make your site more findable, connect with your audience, and establish yourself as a true professional. But only if it’s done right.

Here’s how to take your photography blog from something-you-know-you-should-be-doing to one of the most powerful tools in building your business and getting found on Google:

Portrait photographer and business mentor leaning over the back of a chair holding her camera and smiling

1. Do Your Keyword Research

There’s a reason this is the first step in getting the most out of your photography blog. If you don’t know what your ideal client is searching for, then you don’t know which words and phrases to use to help them find you.

Researching the best keywords for your photography business takes some time, but it allows all your other strategies to be effective. So before you do anything else, find out what words and phrases your target audience is likely using to search for services like yours, so that you can use those keywords in your website and blog.

2. Learn the Basics of SEO

You can write awesome content all day long, but if it’s not formatted so that search engines can figure it out, it won’t perform well.

SEO can feel intimidating, but it’s really not as scary as it sounds. Half the battle is just figuring out the jargon! Once you learn the definitions of some of the more common terms, you’ll be able to understand the basics of optimizing a blog post for SEO.

3. Optimize Your Website

Having an optimized website allows you to leverage your blog more effectively, because you’ll know which keywords you’ve already optimized for, and which ones you should use as the theme for new content. Your blog can do the work of supporting your primary keywords, filling in with secondary keywords, and providing content that doesn’t necessarily need to appear on one of your site’s main pages.

4. Post to Your Blog Consistently

Consistency isn’t always easy, and it does require thinking ahead. But the results are worth it! Consistency shows both readers and search engines that you are reliable and professional enough to update your blog on a regular basis.

Posting consistently doesn’t have to mean posting frequently (although posting more often does help). Just figure out a schedule that works for you, even if it’s only once a month, and stick to it.

5. Focus on Creating Original, Quality Content for Your Readers

It’s really easy to get obsessed with keywords, or to burn out and start taking shortcuts with your content. But a successful blog is about providing value to your readers.

Instead of getting caught up in the details, focus on creating original, high-quality content. Then you can use your bag of SEO tricks to make sure that your blog is as helpful and easy-to-find as possible.

A Photographer’s Best Friend

Your photography blog really can be your best friend when it comes to ranking on search engines and standing out from the crowd. It takes effort to run a successful photography blog, especially at first, but blogging is the gift that just keeps giving. It gets easier and easier as time goes on, and in the long run it will save you time, connect you with more people, and make you a happier business owner.

Psst…Here’s the Easiest Way to Blog

Now, I’m going to let you in on a secret. Although I have seen firsthand how helpful a blog is for your photography business and I am a firm believer in it…I don’t actually love blogging.

For me, the solution to creating a photography blog that works was: Hire someone else to take care of it!

I’ve been outsourcing my blog to RedFox Blogging for several years now and have been super happy with her services. We have a great system for me to pass on photos from my photography sessions and just a few facts and she turns it into a wonderfully written blog post featuring keywords that help with my SEO. Clients love reading the entries about their sessions too and many times share them with their friends and family.

If you decide to outsource your blog to her, be sure to mention my name for a discount on your order!

Resources for Photographers

I hope these tips have been helpful! For other resources on building your photography business, check out my photographer mentoring  page. I can’t wait to help you turn your passion into a profitable photography business! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.


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